Sunday, 20 January 2013

Snowed in!

This weekend has been all about snow, exercise and studying!

On Friday I left work earlier because it started snowing and we know what that means in this country - everything stops. It was a lazy Friday afternoon at home, I went for a long walk with my dogs and watched some movies. I really enjoyed it, just having the whole afternoon doing what ever I wanted to.

No matter  what I tried, I just couldn't make this photo look like it was sunny :)

On Saturday I had Eat Natural gluten free toasted muesli with buckwheat for breakfast with Almond milk. This muesli is really addictive, I could eat it for lunch and dinner too, its too good!

Then for lunch I had chicken thai curry

I also went to the gym this weekend and I did my program as well got some nice flowers to bring some spring feeling to this this snowed in weekend!

I have done about 8 hours studying both days this weekend and it makes me snack a lot! I had a bit of an overdose of liquorish (love it) and nice toasts with humus and olives. 

Little thing for the Sunday night, what 10 things that separates happy people from unhappy people;

1. Wide social network - happy people have a wide social network, made up of family members, neighbours and friends. Strong friendships fight depression.

2. Living according to one's own values - Happy people build a life for themselves, which is build of their own values, strengths, and life style.

3. Gratitude - Gratitude is good. Happy people are concentrating what in life is good and focus on that. Gratitude to helps to cope with stressful and traumatic situations.

4.Optimism - Happy people are optimists. They reject the pessimism in three different ways. First of all, they use their energy and time for the things that they can affect. Secondly, they know that unpleasant things don't last forever, and things will be better in the long term. Third, they see the whole situation and not just concentrate on the one thing that is maybe not so good.

5.Helping - Happy people help others and volunteer. Kind deeds will help not only others but also ourselves.

6. Money does not mean everything - Happy people do not put too much emphasis on the money. They have a healthy relationship to consumption. Goods does not bring happiness, but excess supply can even produce the unhappiness.

7. Healthy Coping Strategies - We all experience stressful and unpleasant situations, but what is crucial is how we will survive. Happy people are questioning what they can learn from the difficulties.

8. Taking care of your health - Happy people take care of it. It does not necessarily mean physical activity. They smile, take part in things and do the things what ever they decide to do.

9.Spiritual Growth - Religious people are, studies suggest, healthier, happier and cope better than others with traumatic experiences. 

10.Life has a clear direction - The happiest people have the values ​​they care about and the goals that they strive towards.

Tell me what makes you happy?

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