Thursday, 3 January 2013

Lemon Ginger Tea and healthy shopping

This morning I started my day with a green smoothie again, using the same ingredients as I've done all week and I think is getting just a little bit boring by now, I need to make up a new mix and tomorrow morning I will blend in some berries. Frozen berries are much cheaper option than their fresh friends and they last for long time in the freezer, also they will make the smoothie icy.

I did some healthy grocery shopping today, berries, organic products, lots of fruits and nked raw bars, yummy. I bought some Lemon Ginger Tea because I feel like I have a cold coming and that tea usually helps and makes me feel better. Also got my favourite, Sweet Chai tea...
I used to have a couple of cups coffee every morning but I have been without coffee almost two months now. I decided to stop drinking it for two reason, firstly I started getting this awkward feeling when my heart was beating so fast it felt like it was coming out of my chest and that, if something felt really uncomfortable and secondly not drinking coffee is suppose to increase my fertility. I still drink black tea which has caffeine and tannin, but not as much as in coffee. Also I have started to enjoy herbal teas and especially green tea with lemon.

I really hope this cold doesn't get any worse as I have the exam coming and fitness test next week. 

Cant wait to get back to my normal exercise routine! 

1 comment:

  1. Hello there! I came across your blog because I was looking for a recipe for my green smoothie for tomorrow... I saw your brief intro and OMG, I am going through the same thing (drop by my blog if you want to know more I have yet to update it though with my recent doctor's chec-up).. It's just so fascinating to see people on the other side of the world going through almost the same thing as I am..
    Anyway I hope this will be our lucky year! Baby dust to us!
