Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Thanks for your order!

Weekend went quickly and now we are already in Tuesday night. I went to school this weekend and done lots of studying in the evenings. We also had some family visiting on Sunday. 

I just placed an order on Planet Organic, I ordered chocolate Sun Warrior Protein and Tahini. I also ordered more pregnancy oil from Viridian.

And the greatest news is that I finally got my appointment! Bad news is that is only in March, I guess there is lot of people waiting to get their treatments from NHS.

I still have so much studying to do because I am preparing for the exams so unfortunately I don't have as much time as I wished to write here in my blog. And read other blogs! But after February things should get bit easier...

 On the way to school, Original Chai tea, and lunch from Planet Organic.

 Shoppings from Planet Organic, green tea, protein snack and reusable tea cup.
On Sunday I cooked lunch and because everyone wanted different things I decided to make brown pasta and brown rice and for kids their pasta. Bolognese sauce and also had chicken in the oven ,and why not, it was a Sunday treat :)

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Where has the week gone?

Its been a while since I last posted! Where has this week gone?

It definitely has been a busy week, I have been so concentrated on my school, so much that there hasn't been time to do anything else.

I managed to do my gym program on Tuesday and I am planning to go tomorrow too. I have started to look for a heart rate monitor which would be really beneficial for me to use at the gym.

I also called the hospital and now waiting for a letter that confirms my appointment. A bit of a dreadful appointment as this time I will be given a diagnose which will be unexplained infertility and that means that we can now move forward with the treatments. I have a feeling that during this year 2013 I will be pregnant!

I went shopping to Food for Though shop and found some really good things! But now I need to finish my school things for the night and get back to blogging tomorrow!

Ps Has any one tried free yoga online? Is it as good as going to classes? I found this but haven't tried it yet. My Yoga Online

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Snowed in!

This weekend has been all about snow, exercise and studying!

On Friday I left work earlier because it started snowing and we know what that means in this country - everything stops. It was a lazy Friday afternoon at home, I went for a long walk with my dogs and watched some movies. I really enjoyed it, just having the whole afternoon doing what ever I wanted to.

No matter  what I tried, I just couldn't make this photo look like it was sunny :)

On Saturday I had Eat Natural gluten free toasted muesli with buckwheat for breakfast with Almond milk. This muesli is really addictive, I could eat it for lunch and dinner too, its too good!

Then for lunch I had chicken thai curry

I also went to the gym this weekend and I did my program as well got some nice flowers to bring some spring feeling to this this snowed in weekend!

I have done about 8 hours studying both days this weekend and it makes me snack a lot! I had a bit of an overdose of liquorish (love it) and nice toasts with humus and olives. 

Little thing for the Sunday night, what 10 things that separates happy people from unhappy people;

1. Wide social network - happy people have a wide social network, made up of family members, neighbours and friends. Strong friendships fight depression.

2. Living according to one's own values - Happy people build a life for themselves, which is build of their own values, strengths, and life style.

3. Gratitude - Gratitude is good. Happy people are concentrating what in life is good and focus on that. Gratitude to helps to cope with stressful and traumatic situations.

4.Optimism - Happy people are optimists. They reject the pessimism in three different ways. First of all, they use their energy and time for the things that they can affect. Secondly, they know that unpleasant things don't last forever, and things will be better in the long term. Third, they see the whole situation and not just concentrate on the one thing that is maybe not so good.

5.Helping - Happy people help others and volunteer. Kind deeds will help not only others but also ourselves.

6. Money does not mean everything - Happy people do not put too much emphasis on the money. They have a healthy relationship to consumption. Goods does not bring happiness, but excess supply can even produce the unhappiness.

7. Healthy Coping Strategies - We all experience stressful and unpleasant situations, but what is crucial is how we will survive. Happy people are questioning what they can learn from the difficulties.

8. Taking care of your health - Happy people take care of it. It does not necessarily mean physical activity. They smile, take part in things and do the things what ever they decide to do.

9.Spiritual Growth - Religious people are, studies suggest, healthier, happier and cope better than others with traumatic experiences. 

10.Life has a clear direction - The happiest people have the values ​​they care about and the goals that they strive towards.

Tell me what makes you happy?

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Pain is temporally, quitting lasts forever

Says on my spinning class's wall. I just got back home from the class, spinning is good exercise don't have to jump around but still get proper good sweaty exercise. One thing that I am really missing is a heart rate monitor, it would be good to use when exercising to see what my limits are.

Last night I did my program at the gym, it only took me about 45 minutes so it is something that I could do at lunch breaks on weekdays. I have a plan to do the second day of my program tomorrow, but lets see!

I booked a nutritional therapist appointment, its is in couple of weeks and I cant wait to finally find out about my nutrition and learn more about nutrition I should have when trying for a baby and having this stupid   unexplained infertility.

I also booked a horse riding lesson! yes a horse riding lesson! I love horses (and animals in general) but I haven't been riding a horse for ages, cant wait that either! So many happy things ahead including this, birthday parties, spa treatment and dinners with friends.

Tonight's dinner was a mess where I layered sliced aubergines, mince, tomato sauce and home made cheese sauce and baked in the oven for about 30 minutes. I used oregano, thyme, pepper, vegetable stock and chillies to flavour the mince. I couldn't get a good photo of it, but the taste was delicious!

Monday, 14 January 2013

Second change for the house plants

I finally got my self organised and bought a new flower pots and moved my suffering plants to their new homes. I guess they deserved to have a second change,


After work I went to do my weekly grocery shopping in Tesco. It took my ages to do my shopping because I am a bit bored with their pricing and how they sometimes try to make people to buy so called offers that are not actually offers. There  I was calculating with my phone kilo prices per product and even kitchen paper price per roll... I don't know if I save much doing so but I don't like pay extra for no reason!

By the time I got back home I was starving and cooked a chicken leak pie for dinner. I usually use eggs and milk but I forgot to buy the eggs so I had improvise and I did white sauce type of mixture using rye flour. 

For the base I used, 2 dl flour, 1,5 dl rye flour, water and oil. I stir fried the chicken with spices and leeks and then for the sauce I mixed rye flour in the melted hot butter and then poured milk and whisked  until it thickened. Mixed chicken and sauce together and poured over pre-baked base. Simple!

I have to say that this wasn't the best pie I've done, its better with egg and milk mixture but this wasn't too bad either. 

It's quite hard now that it's dark when you go to work and it's dark when you leave work, I really feel that I need some sun urgently!

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Weekend shopping

I found a health clinic that has complementary nutrition treatments and I have emailed them to book my first consultation. I'm really looking forward to that and I think there is a lot in my diet that is not maybe right for me or right in my situation.
This morning I went to a Yoga class and after the class I had bean salad with halloum cheese.


Bean salad with Halloum cheese
I went to look in the local health shops to see what sort of pre-conception vitamins and minerals they have. Here is what I found from Revital and Boots. 

From Revital I got Chia Seeds and Viridian pregnancy Omega Oil and pre-conception fertility pills for women.

Chia Seeds

Chia is gluten free, sugar free, trans-fat free, non GMO and pesticide free. It is high in dietary fibre, making it great for digestion and healing digestion issues, uniquely beneficial seed high in Omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants and phytonutrients.


Viridian sells a health care products, which you can buy  from a health shops or online. I was recommended to use these by a friend. Their products are clean, free from anything artificial and they are against animal testing. They also give a charity donation with every purchase and you can recycle their bottles by bringing them back to the shop you bought it from and you get 25p.

Pregnancy Oil

It's 100% active ingredients. It's vegan, free from gluten, wheat, lactose and no added sugar, salt yeast, preservatives or artificial colouring. Non-irradiated. 

Pregnancy Omega Oil 200ml
I need to take this oil three teaspoonful daily with food. This is easy as this highly nutritious oil can be added to smoothies, used as salad dressing, in soups and drizzled over vegetables, pasta, rice, potatoes etc...or just taken off the spoon. I've been adding this to my morning green smoothies as I didn't really liked the taste of it. 

Pre-conception fertility for women

This formulation is specifically designed to provide the essential and appropriate nutrients to support a woman of reproductive age. Ideally, take at least 90 days ahead of planned conception. 

Fertility for Women  PRO-CONCEPTION

I also got more Clearblue ovulation tests. They have changed the pack and it now comes with a pregancy test! My fist thought was that where do I need that? I just feels so far away that I would actually get pregnant...

Naked Heat Defender – Heat Protection SprayI did got something non-pregnancy related, naked style heat defender. I wash my hair daily and blow dry them every morning, so its good to have a proper protection for them.  Naked products are silicone-free and 97% natural. 

I have been trying to eat healthy this weekend, in the mornings I've had green smoothie, this morning with spinach, pink grapefruit, banana, frozen berries, maca-powder and chia seeds. 

For lunch, last night I had delicious rye bread from Sweden with salmon and salad. I love this...

This weekend has gone quickly! I guess I will be spending the rest of the lovely Sunday afternoon indoors and finishing my assignment. 

I would love to hear about your fertility tips? 

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Finally arrived: Weekend and The Gym Program

I am so happy that weekend is finally here! Last night I went to the cinema to see the impossible with a friend. It was a good movie but left me feeling quite sad and down.

This morning started with a different note, I went to the body pump class first thing this morning and it was great. Feeling good after the class! 

Actually body pump wasn't the first thing I did. When you are trying to conceive, at one point you start doing these ovulation tests, peeing on a stick. This morning it was negative, but I am not worried as my ovulation happens every month, I am just trying to spot the right day. My periods are like clockwork, every month same cycle. That is what makes this unexplained infertility so frustrating. 

Probably the most annoying thing what people, who mean good say is "just relax, it will happen", "maybe you should not think about it too much", "chill out" or "maybe it is just timing" (!!!). I don't know what to say to them, I mean if you have been trying for a baby for about three years, this means 36 times I have been disappointed, angry and sad when my periods started, I have purchased and used hundreds of ovulation sticks and in my case 1 pregnancy test (it was negative). So it is pretty hard not to stress and not to think about it too much!!! 

Luckily, according to NHS rules, after 3 years of trying and because I have unexplained infertility we are entitled to have IFV treatment. I am hoping that the process would start this summer. Meanwhile, I am trying to find natural ways to help increase fertility. Next step is to go see the nutritional therapist. 

Anyway, I also got my gym program done. I am going to go the the gym twice a week and I got the program for both days. Its good that both days are a little bit different, so I don't get bored too easily. 

Here is how day 1 of 2 looks like,

And this is the 2 of 2 

All I need to do now is to start training!